The hardware looks familiar on their site but are they really all that superior? If so.ok great Ill sign up and check it out.
Were in a studio now and hired an engineer but I have recently gotten pretty good at production.More of a straight up guitarist/ songwriter and live performer but yeah I always recorded if I had an idea or need to send something until this year.
I am considering an apollo X but for processing power is all really. Im just working harder at it is all and trying different stuff to get pro results and apprently Im doing well which makes me think should we save money next time and look into upgrading our stuff? I mean it costs way less to upgrade then go into the studio with the engineer we are using or well about the same. My band mates have been really impressed in what Im sending them now. I used to record to just get ideas I had down over the years and only really got good at the producing/ mixing this year, actually caring about my mix and experimental micing and using Slate. Then someone says 'WTF you never heard of SSL? They are only the premium ultimate pro audio solution.' and another chimed in as if it was disturbing I never heard of it. So I asked a question to Gobbler (which I use for slate everything bundle) and they were of course acting like it ws superior to both of them. I was on fb saw an ad for ssl plug ins and no I never heard of them.